Try this circuit for those legs of yours... It's a burner! Our home gym is getting a tiny little makeover soon, and I'm excited to show you once it's all done... but this Terra-Core by @teracorefitness, is something we've added to our equipment and loved. You can also use a regular bosu for these moves, or even modify without one, so enjoy!

1. weighted 5 bosu squat pulses into press, 8 reps (I held a 25# DB)

2. weighted bosu reverse lunges, 8-12 reps EACH leg (I used 12# DBs)

3. weighted bosu bulgarian split squats + curl, 8-12 reps EACH leg (I used 12# DBs)

4. bosu jump squats, 15 reps

5. bosu weighted bridges, 12-15 reps

6. KB swings *optional*, 15 reps (I sued 25# KB)

REPEAT CIRCUIT 2-3x through!! Good luck!